Registration is open for the 2023 CARC user meeting
By Mariah Rosales
The UNM Center for Advanced Research Computing will hold its second annual User Meeting on April 14, 2023, at the SUB Santa Ana A & B. Registration is open now.
CARC held its first User Meeting in April 2022 with a goal of providing a forum for interactions between current users and the center staff, as well as encouraging interactions and idea sharing between users in different disciplines. Feedback from the user community was collected at this event.
Among the ideas implemented following last year’s feedback was the addition of a student poster session to this year’s event. We encourage researchers, particularly students, to submit their abstracts when registering so they can present their posters (36” x 48”) in the afternoon poster reception at the User Meeting.
In addition to the poster reception, this year’s event will feature the available resources at CARC, a keynote and two researcher presentations, an information session about the National Research Platform (NRP), and a discussion of research computing needs and gaps. Ylva Pihlstrom, UNM Physics and Astronomy Professor, says “The purpose of the user meeting is to continue building the communication between CARC and our users. For example, by informing researchers about our resources as well as CARC receiving feedback from users on their current and future computing needs.” The overview of available resources at CARC and how you can get help accessing and using them will be presented by professor Matthew Fricke. We have a keynote talk by professor Melanie Moses, and additional talks by professors Amanda Bienz and Avinash Sahu. This year we have added a poster session to showcase in particular student and postdoctoral work utilizing computing resources in various ways. “The networking aspect of a user meeting is also important, as we hope that knowledge will be shared between researchers in different departments and fields.” says Pihlstrom. Additionally, information about the NRP, a distributed cluster system based on resource sharing will be presented, including how UNM researchers can access the platform.
Registration is open and will close on Friday, March 31. We invite everyone with an interest in research computing to attend to learn more about the Center and resources available to the UNM community.