Past publications
Branham, M. S., Hsu, W. C., Yerci, S., Loomis, J., Boriskina, S. V., Hoard, B. R., & Chen, G. (2016). Empirical Comparison of Random and Periodic Surface Light‐Trapping Structures for Ultrathin Silicon Photovoltaics. Advanced Optical Materials, 4(6), 858-863.
Han, S. J., Ghosh, S., Abudayyeh, O. K., Hoard, B. R., Culler, E. C., Bonilla, J. E., & Han, S. E. (2016). Symmetry-breaking nanostructures on crystalline silicon for enhanced light trapping in thin film solar cells. Optics Express, 24(26), A1586-A1596.
Matanovic, K. Artyushkova, M. B. Strand, M. J. Dzara, S. Pylypenko, and P. Atanassov, Core Level Shifts of Hydrogenated Pyridinic and Pyrrolic Nitrogen in the Nitrogen-Containing Graphene-Based Electrocatalysts: In-Plane vs Edge Defects, J. Phys. Chem. C120(51), 29225-29232 (2016).
Asset, A. Ray, T. Sakamoto, M. Padilla, I. Matanovic, K. Artyushkova, A. Serov, F. Mailllard, M. Chatenet, K. Asazawa, and P. Atanassov, Highly active and selective nickel molybdenum catalysts for direct hydrazine fuel cells, Electrochim Acta, 2015, 420-426 (2016).
Taek Chung, Y.-K. Choe, U. Martinez, J. H. Dumont, A. Mohanty, C. Bae, I. Matanovic, Y.S. Kim, Effect of Organic Cations on Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction of Carbon Supported Platinum, J. Electrochem. Soc., 163,14, F1503-F1509 (2016).
Taek Chung, U. Martinez, I. Matanovic, and Y-S. Kim, Cation–Hydroxide–Water Coadsorption Inhibits the Alkaline Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7(22), 4464–4469 (2016).
Reshetenko, A. Serov, K. Artyushkova, I. Matanovic, S. Stariha and P. Atanassov, Tolerance of non-platinum group metals cathodes proton exchange membrane fuel cells to air contaminants, J. Power Sources, 324, 556 (2016).
Perry III, S. Babanova, I. Matanovic, A. Neumman, A. Serov, K. Artyushkova, and P. Atanassov, Evaluation of Pt Alloys as Electrocatalysts for Oxalic Acid Oxidation: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study, J.Electrochem. Soc., 163, H787-H795 (2016).
Matanovic, S. Babanova, M. S. Chavez, and P. Atanassov, Protein-Support Interactions for Rationally Designed Bilirubin Oxidase Based Cathode: a Computational Study, J. Phys. Chem. B, 120, 3634–3641 (2016).
E. Hjelm, K. E. Garcia, S. Babanova, K. Artyushkova, I. Matanovic, S. Banta, and P. Atanassov, Functional Interfaces for Biomimetic Energy Harvesting: CNTs-DNA Matrix for Enzyme Assembly, Biochim. Biophys. Acta,1857, 612-620 (2016).
Serov, T. Asset, M. Padilla, I. Matanovic, U. Martinez, A. Roy, K. Artyushkova, M. Chatenet, F. Maillard, D. Bayer, C. Cremers and P. Atanassov, Highly-active Pd–Cu electrocatalysts for oxidation of ubiquitous oxygenated fuels, Appl. Catal. B, 191, 76-85 (2016).
Coutsias, E.A., Lexa, K.W., Wester, M.J., Pollock, S.N. and Jacobson, M.P., 2016. Exhaustive Conformational Sampling of Complex Fused Ring Macrocycles Using Inverse Kinematics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12(9), pp.4674-4687.
Xie, C., Jiang, B., Yang, M. and Guo, H., 2016. State-to-State Mode Specificity in F+ CHD3→ HF/DF+ CD3/CHD2 Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(33), pp.6521-6528.
Manjavacas, A., 2016. Anisotropic optical response of nanostructures with balanced gain and loss. ACS Photonics, 3(7), pp.1301-1307.
Benson, B.W., Iyer, S.R., Kemper, K. and Zhao, J., 2016. Director Networks and Credit Ratings.
Qi, X., Baragiola, B.Q., Jessen, P.S. and Deutsch, I.H., 2016. Dispersive response of atoms trapped near the surface of an optical nanofiber with applications to quantum nondemolition measurement and spin squeezing. Physical Review A, 93(2), p.023817.
Shahbazikhah, P., Kalivas, J.H., Andries, E. and O'Loughlin, T., 2016. Using the L1 norm to select basis set vectors for multivariate calibration and calibration updating. Journal of Chemometrics.
Martin, T.D., Hill, E.H., Whitten, D.G., Chi, E.Y. and Evans, D.G., 2016. Oligomeric Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Display Site-Preferential Binding to an MS2 Viral Capsid. Langmuir, 32(47), pp.12542-12551.
Song, H., Li, A. and Guo, H., 2016. Rotational and Isotopic Effects in the H2+ OH+→ H+ H2O+ Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Ard, S.G., Johnson, R.S., Martinez, O., Shuman, N.S., Guo, H., Troe, J. and Viggiano, A.A., 2016. Analysis of the Pressure and Temperature Dependence of the Complex-Forming Bimolecular Reaction CH3OCH3+ Fe+. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Ox, J., 2016. Color Systems are Categories that Carry Meaning in Visualizations: A Conceptual Metaphor Theory Approach. Electronic Imaging, 2016(16), pp.1-9.
Manavi, K., Jacobson, B., Hoard, B. and Tapia, L., 2016. Influence of model resolution on geometric simulations of antibody aggregation. Robotica, 34(08), pp.1754-1776.
Hoard, B., Jacobson, B., Manavi, K. and Tapia, L., 2016. Extending rule-based methods to model molecular geometry and 3D model resolution. BMC Systems Biology, 10(2), p.48.
Vangara, R., Brown, D.C.R., van Swol, F. and Petsev, D.N., 2017. Electrolyte solution structure and its effect on the properties of electric double layers with surface charge regulation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 488, pp.180-189.
Tencate, A., Kalivas, J.H. and Andries, E., 2016. Penalty processes for combining roughness and smoothness in spectral multivariate calibration. Journal of Chemometrics, 30(4), pp.144-152.
Zhao, B., Sun, Z. and Guo, H., 2016. A reactant-coordinate-based approach to state-to-state differential cross sections for tetratomic reactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(18), p.184106.
Cavanagh, J.F. and Castellanos, J., 2016. Identification of canonical neural events during continuous gameplay of an 8-bit style video game. NeuroImage, 133, pp.1-13.
Han, H., Alday, B., Shuman, N.S., Wiens, J.P., Troe, J., Viggiano, A.A. and Guo, H., 2016. Calculations of the active mode and energetic barrier to electron attachment to CF 3 and comparison with kinetic modeling of experimental results. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(45), pp.31064-31071.
Cowen, B.J. and El-Genk, M.S., 2016. Probability-based threshold displacement energies for oxygen and silicon atoms in α-quartz silica. Computational Materials Science, 117, pp.164-171.
Kerketta, R., Halász, Á.M., Steinkamp, M.P., Wilson, B.S. and Edwards, J.S., 2016. Effect of spatial inhomogeneities on the membrane surface on receptor dimerization and signal initiation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 4.
Chen, T., Lehr, J., Lavrova, O. and Martinez-Ramonz, M., 2016, July. Distribution-level peak load prediction based on Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. In Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2016 (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Song, H., Lu, Y., Li, J., Yang, M. and Guo, H., 2016. Mode specificity in the OH+ CHD3 reaction: Reduced-dimensional quantum and quasi-classical studies on an ab initio based full-dimensional potential energy surface. The Journal of chemical physics, 144(16), p.164303.
Manjavacas, A., Rodríguez-Fortuño, F.J., de Abajo, F. and Zayats, A.V., 2016. Lateral Casimir force on a rotating particle near a planar surface. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03733.
Cowen, B.J. and El-Genk, M.S., 2016. Bond-order reactive force fields for molecular dynamics simulations of crystalline silica. Computational Materials Science, 111, pp.269-276.
Lin, J., Wester, M.J., Graus, M.S., Lidke, K.A. and Neumann, A.K., 2016. Nanoscopic cell-wall architecture of an immunogenic ligand in Candida albicans during antifungal drug treatment. Molecular biology of the cell, 27(6), pp.1002-1014.
Martinez-Herrero, R. and Manjavacas, A., 2016. Basis for paraxial surface-plasmon-polariton packets. Physical Review A, 94(6), p.063829.
Moradi, C.P., Xie, C., Kaufmann, M., Guo, H. and Douberly, G.E., 2016. Two-center three-electron bonding in ClNH3 revealed via helium droplet infrared laser Stark spectroscopy: Entrance channel complex along the Cl+ NH3→ ClNH2+ H reaction. The Journal of chemical physics, 144(16), p.164301.
Abaie, B., Mobini, E., Karbasi, S., Hawkins, T., Ballato, J. and Mafi, A., 2016. Random lasing in an Anderson localizing optical fiber. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03835.
Kolb, B. and Guo, H., 2016. Communication: Energy transfer and reaction dynamics for DCl scattering on Au (111): An ab initio molecular dynamics study.
Lin, S., Gao, H.W. and Peng, Z., 2016, May. High-fidelity, high-performance full-wave computational algorithms for intra-system EMI analysis of IC and electronics. In Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), 2016 IEEE 20th Workshop on (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Lushnikov, P.M., 2016, September. Nonlinear combining of multiple laser beams in multimode optical fiber. In Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (pp. JM6A-15). Optical Society of America.
Shao, Y., Wang, S. and Peng, Z., 2016, March. Hierarchical modeling and scalable algorithms for in-situ characterization of 3D IC packages. In 2016 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS) and Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
Shi, Y. and Lee, J.H., 2016. Sample size calculations for group randomized trials with unequal group sizes through Monte Carlo simulations. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, p.0962280216682775.
Wheeler, L.B., Galewsky, J., Herold, N. and Huber, M., 2016. Late Cenozoic surface uplift of the southern Sierra Nevada (California, USA): A paleoclimate perspective on lee-side stable isotope paleoaltimetry. Geology, 44(6), pp.451-454.
Winner, K.R.K., Steinkamp, M.P., Lee, R.J., Swat, M., Muller, C.Y., Moses, M.E., Jiang, Y. and Wilson, B.S., 2016. Spatial modeling of drug delivery routes for treatment of disseminated ovarian cancer. Cancer research, 76(6), pp.1320-1334.
Fleharty, M. E., van Swol, F., & Petsev, D. N. (2016). Solvent Role in the Formation of Electric Double Layers with Surface Charge Regulation: A Bystander or a Key Participant?. Physical Review Letters, 116(4), 048301.
Lin, J., Wester, M. J., Graus, M. S., Lidke, K. A., & Neumann, A. K. (2016). Nanoscopic cell wall architecture of an immunogenic ligand in Candida albicans during antifungal drug treatment. Molecular Biology of the Cell, mbc-E15.
Hoard, B., Jacobson, B., Manavi, K., and Tapia, L. (2015). Extending rule-based methods to model molecular geometry. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).
Han, S. J., Ghosh, S., Hoard, B. R., Culler, E. C., Bonilla, J. E., Martin, E. J., & Han, S. E. (2016). Light trapping enhancement in thin film solar cells by breaking symmetry in nanostructures. 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
Ghosh, S., Han, S. J., Hoard, B. R., Culler, E. C., Bonilla, J. E., Martin, E. J., & Han, S. E. (2015). Symmetry-breaking nanostructures for enhanced light-trapping in thin film solar cells. 2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
Noormofidi, V., Atlas, S. R., & Duan, H. (2015). Performance Analysis of an Astrophysical Simulation Code on the Intel Xeon Phi Architecture. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.02163.
Svihla, V., Wester, M. J., & Linn, M. C. (2015). Distributed revisiting: An analytic for retention of coherent science learning. Journal of Learning Analytics, 2(2), 75-101.
Chen, T., Lavrova, O., & Lehr, J. (2015, November). The optimal planning and dynamic operation of distributed generation method based on modified multiobjective optimization in power distribution system. In Green Energy and Systems Conference (IGESC), 2015 IEEE (pp. 49-54). IEEE.
Cowen, B. J., & El-Genk, M., (2015). Bond-order reactive force fields for molecular dynamics simulations of crystalline silica. Computational Materials Science, 111 269-276.
Ogasawara, Y., Torrez-Martinez, N., Aragon, A. D., Yackley, B. J., Weber, J. A., Sundararajan, A., ... & Melançon, C. E. (2015). High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Actinobacterium Kibdelosporangium sp. MJ126-NF4, Producer of Type II Polyketide Azicemicins, Using Illumina and PacBio Technologies. Genome Announcements, 3(2), e00114-15.
Pryor, M. M., Steinkamp, M. P., Halasz, A. M., Chen, Y., Yang, S., Smith, M. S., ... & Wilson, B. S. (2015). Orchestration of ErbB3 signaling through hetero and homo-interactions. Molecular Biology of the Cell, mbc-E14.
Porteous, A. B., Habbit, R., III, J. D., Poroseva, S. V., & Murman, S. M. (2015). Simulations of Incompressible Separated Turbulent Flows around Two-Dimensional Bodies with URANS Models in OpenFOAM. In 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (p. 2609).
Echavarria, C. M. L., & Poroseva, S. V. Computational Analysis of the Blade Number Effect on the Performance of a Ducted Propeller. in AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.
Porteous, A. B., Habbit, R., III, J. D., Poroseva, S. V., & Murman, S. M. (2015). Simulations of Incompressible Separated Turbulent Flows around Two-Dimensional Bodies with URANS Models in OpenFOAM. In 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (p. 2609).
Poroseva, S. V., Fernandez, J. D. C., & Murman, S. M. (2015). RANS Simulations of a Channel Flow with a New Velocity/Pressure-Gradient Model. In 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (p. 3067).
Poroseva, S. V., Kaiser, B. E., Sillero, J. A., & Murman, S. M. (2015). Validation of a closing procedure for fourth-order RANS turbulence models with DNS data in an incompressible zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 56, 71-79.
Loring, T. A. (2015). K-theory and pseudospectra for topological insulators. Annals of Physics, 356, 383-416.
Hauser, K., Essuman, B., Coutsias, E., Garcia-Diaz, M., & Simmerling, C. (2015). A Human Transcription Factor in Search Mode. Biophysical Journal, 108(2), 397a.
Perez-Arriaga, M., Wilson, S., Williams, K. P., Schoeniger, J., Waymire, R. L., & Powell, A. J. (2015). Omics Metadata Management Software (OMMS). Bioninformation, 11(4)
States, J. (n.d.). (2015). Arsenic Interaction with Zinc Finger Motifs. Arsenic: Exposure Sources, health risks, and mechanisms of toxicity (Vol. 1).
Schriener, T. M., & El-Genk, M. S. (2015). Convection heat transfer of NaK-78 liquid metal in a circular tube and a tri-lobe channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 86, 234-243.
Bu, L., & Katju, V. (2015). Early evolutionary history and genomic features of gene duplicates in the human genome. BMC Genomics, 16(1), 621.
Kazemi, A., Klein, B., Nami, M., Kim, J. O., Allen, M. S., Allen, J. W., ... & Krishna, S. (2015). Investigation of plasmonic enhancement in a quantum dot-in-a-well structure. In SPIE OPTO (pp. 937019-937019). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Tsai, J. W., Simonetti, J. H., Akukwe, B., Bear, B., Cutchin, S. E., Dowell, J., ... & Kavic, M. (2015). Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar B0950+ 08 Using LWA1. The Astronomical Journal, 149(2), 65.
Obenberger, K. S., Taylor, G. B., Hartman, J. M., Clarke, T. E., Dowell, J., Dubois, A., ... & Schinzel, F. K. (2015). Monitoring the Sky with the Prototype All-Sky Imager on the LWA1. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 1550004.
Fleharty, M. E., van Swol, F., & Petsev, D. N. (2015). Charge regulation at semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 449, 409-415.
Falkovich, G., & Vladimirova, N. (2015). Cascades in nonlocal turbulence. Physical Review E, 91(4), 041201.
López, C. A., Sethi, A., Goldstein, B., Wilson, B. S., & Gnanakaran, S. (2015). Membrane-Mediated Regulation of the Intrinsically Disordered CD3ϵ Cytoplasmic Tail of the TCR. Biophysical Journal, 108(10), 2481-2491.
Serov, A., Andersen, N. I., Roy, A. J., Matanovic, I., Artyushkova, K., & Atanassov, P. (2015). CuCo2O4 ORR/OER Bi-Functional Catalyst: Influence of Synthetic Approach on Performance. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(4), F449-F454.
Matanovic, I., Babanova, S., Perry III, A., Serov, A., Artyushkova, K., & Atanassov, P. (2015). Bio-inspired design of electrocatalysts for oxalate oxidation: a combined experimental and computational study of Mn–N–C catalysts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(20), 13235-13244.
Babanova, S., Matanovic, I., Chavez, M. S., & Atanassov, P. (2015). Role of Quinones in Electron Transfer of PQQ–Glucose Dehydrogenase Anodes Mediation or Orientation Effect. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(24), 7754-7762.
Cowen, B. J., & El-Genk, M. S. (2015). On force fields for molecular dynamics simulations of crystalline silica. Computational Materials Science, 107, 88-101.
Nami, M., & Feezell, D. (2015). Optical properties of Ag-coated GaN/InGaN axial and core–shell nanowire light-emitting diodes. Journal of Optics, 17(2), 025004.
Branham, M. S., Hsu, W. C., Yerci, S., Loomis, J., Boriskina, S. V., Hoard, B. R., ... & Chen, G. (2015). 15.7% efficient 10-μm-thick crystalline silicon solar cells using periodic nanostructures. Advanced Materials, 27(13), 2182-2188.
Cai, T., & Han, S. E. (2015). Effect of symmetry in periodic nanostructures on light trapping in thin film solar cells. JOSA B, 32(11), 2264-2270.
Han, S. E. (2015). Suppression of infrared absorption in nanostructured metals by controlling faraday inductance and electron path length (submitted).
Perez-Arriaga, M.O., Wilson, S., Williams, K.P., Schoeniger, J., Powell, A.J. (2015). Omics metadata management software. Bioinformation. 30;11(4):165-72.
Hudson, C. M., Kirton, E., Hutchinson, M. I., Redfern, J. L., Simmons, B., Ackerman, E., Singh, S., Williams, K. P., Natvig D. O., & Powell, A. J. (2015). Lignin-Modifying Processes in the Rhizosphere of Aridland Grasses. Environmental Microbiology.
Guo, L., Han, H., Ma, J., & Guo, H. (2015). Quantum Dynamics of Vinylidene Photodetachment on an Accurate Global Acetylene-Vinylidene Potential Energy Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(31), 8488-8496.
Majumder, M., Hegger, S. E., Dawes, R., Manzhos, S., Wang, X. G., Tucker Jr, C., ... & Guo, H. (2015). Explicitly correlated MRCI-F12 potential energy surfaces for methane fit with several permutation invariant schemes and full-dimensional vibrational calculations. Molecular Physics, (ahead-of-print), 1-11.
Ard, S. G., Johnson, R. S., Melko, J. J., Martinez, O., Shuman, N. S., Ushakov, V. G., ... & Viggiano, A. A. (2015). Spin-inversion and spin-selection in the reactions FeO++ H 2 and Fe++ N 2 O. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(30), 19709-19717.
Zou, L., Li, J., Wang, H., Ma, J., & Guo, H. (2015). State-Resolved Quantum Dynamics of Photodetachment of HCO2−/DCO2− on an Accurate Global Potential Energy Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Song, H., & Guo, H. (2015). Vibrational and Rotational Mode Specificity in The Cl+ H2O→ HCl+ OH Reaction: A Quantum Dynamical Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Huang, Y. H., Li, J., Guo, H., & Lee, Y. P. (2015). Infrared spectrum of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO at resolution 0.25 cm− 1 and new assignments of bands 2ν9 and ν5. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(21), 214301.
Li, J., Chen, J., Zhao, Z., Xie, D., Zhang, D. H., & Guo, H. (2015). A permutationally invariant full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface for the abstraction and exchange channels of the H+ CH4 system. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(20), 204302.
Li, J., Jiang, B., Song, H., Ma, J., Zhao, B., Dawes, R., & Guo, H. (2015). From Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces to State Resolved Reactivities: The X+ H2O↔ HX+ OH (X= F, Cl, and O (3P)) Reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Li, J., Jiang, B., Song, H., Ma, J., Zhao, B., Dawes, R., & Guo, H. (2015). From Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces to State Resolved Reactivities: The X+ H2O↔ HX+ OH (X= F, Cl, and O (3P)) Reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Martinez Jr, O., Sanchez, J. C., Ard, S. G., Li, A., Melko, J. J., Shuman, N. S., ... & Viggiano, A. A. (2015). Selected-ion flow tube temperature-dependent measurements for the reactions of O2+ with N atoms and N2+ with O atoms. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(15), 154305.
Han, H., Song, H., Li, J., & Guo, H. (2015). Near Spectroscopically Accurate Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface for NH4+ and Variational Calculations of Low-Lying Vibrational Levels. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(14), 3400-3406.
Zhou, L., Xie, D., & Guo, H. (2015). Signatures of non-adiabatic dynamics in the fine-structure state distributions of the OH (X̃/Ã) products in the B-band photodissociation of H2O. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(12), 124317.
Xie, C., Zhu, X., Ma, J., Yarkony, D. R., Xie, D., & Guo, H. (2015). Communication: On the competition between adiabatic and nonadiabatic dynamics in vibrationally mediated ammonia photodissociation in its A band. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(9), 091101.
Li, A., & Guo, H. (2015). Prediction of mode specificity in 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions using the Sudden Vector Projection model. Chemical Physics Letters, 624, 102-106.
Li, J., Corchado, J. C., Espinosa-Garcia, J., & Guo, H. (2015). Final state-resolved mode specificity in HX+ OH→ X+ H2O (X= F and Cl) reactions: A quasi-classical trajectory study. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(8), 084314.
Whitehill, A. R., Jiang, B., Guo, H., & Ono, S. (2015). SO 2 photolysis as a source for sulfur mass-independent isotope signatures in stratospehric aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(4), 1843-1864.
Xie, W., Liu, L., Sun, Z., Guo, H., & Dawes, R. (2015). State-to-state reaction dynamics of 18O+ 32O2 studied by a time-dependent quantum wavepacket method. The Journal of chemical physics, 142(6), 064308.
Zhao, B., & Guo, H. (2015). Modulations of Transition-State Control of State-to-State Dynamics in the F+ H2O→ HF+ OH Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(4), 676-680.
Lin, S., Huang, J., Gao, X., Ye, X., & Guo, H. (2015). Theoretical Insight into the Reaction Mechanism of Ethanol Steam Reforming on Co (0001). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(5), 2680-2691.
Song, H., & Guo, H. (2015). Mode Specificity in the HCl+ OH→ Cl+ H2O Reaction: Polanyi’s Rules vs Sudden Vector Projection Model. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(5), 826-831.
Li, J., Song, H., & Guo, H. (2015). Insights into the bond-selective reaction of Cl+ HOD (n OH)→ HCl+ OD. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(6), 4259-4267.
Nakajima, M., Yue, Q., Li, J., Guo, H., & Endo, Y. (2015). An experimental and theoretical study on rotational constants of vibrationally excited CH 2 OO. Chemical Physics Letters, 621, 129-133.
Itano, M. S., Graus, M. S., Pehlke, C., Wester, M. J., Liu, P., Lidke, K. A., ... & Neumann, A. K. (2014). Super-resolution imaging of C-type lectin spatial rearrangement within the dendritic cell plasma membrane at fungal microbe contact sites. Frontiers in physics, 2.
Graus, M. S., Pehlke, C., Wester, M. J., Davidson, L. B., Steinberg, S. L., & Neumann, A. K. (2014). A new tool to quantify receptor recruitment to cell contact sites during host-pathogen interaction.
Yim, H. S., Cho, Y. S., Guang, X., Kang, S. G., Jeong, J. Y., Cha, S. S., ... & Kim, B. C. (2014). Minke whale genome and aquatic adaptation in cetaceans. Nature genetics, 46(1), 88-92.
Edwards, J. S., Atlas, S. R., Wilson, S. M., Cooper, C. F., Luo, L., & Stidley, C. A. (2014, June). Integrated statistical and pathway approach to next-generation sequencing analysis: a family-based study of hypertension. In BMC proceedings (Vol. 8, No. Suppl 1, p. S104). BioMed Central Ltd.
Jun, J., Cho, Y. S., Hu, H., Kim, H. M., Jho, S., Gadhvi, P., ... & Bhak, J. (2014). Whole genome sequence and analysis of the Marwari horse breed and its genetic origin. BMC genomics, 15(Suppl 9), S4.
Porteous, A. B., Kaiser, B. E., Poroseva, S. V., Bond, C. R., & Hovsapian, R. O. (2014). Wake Flow Simulations for a Mid-Sized Rim Driven Wind Turbine. In the 32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
Gomez, S., Graves, B. J., & Poroseva, S. V. (2014). On the Accuracy of RANS Simulations of 2D Boundary Layers with OpenFOAM. In the 44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Loring, T. A. (2014). Computing a logarithm of a unitary matrix with general spectrum. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 21(6), 744-760.
Dubay, S. G., & Witt, C. C. (2014, January). Differential high-altitude adaptation and limited gene flow across a mid-elevation hybrid zone in birds. In INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY (Vol. 54, pp. E54-E54). JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC.
Vickers, C. J., González-Páez, G. E., Litwin, K. M., Umotoy, J. C., Coutsias, E. A., & Wolan, D. W. (2014). Selective inhibition of initiator versus executioner caspases using small peptides containing unnatural amino acids. ACS chemical biology, 9(10), 2194-2198.
Valone, S. M., Atlas, S. R., & Baskes, M. I. (2014). Fragment Hamiltonian model potential for nickel: metallic character and defects in crystalline lattices. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22(4), 045013.
Edwards, J. S., Atlas, S. R., Wilson, S. M., Cooper, C. F., Luo, L., & Stidley, C. A. (2014, June). Integrated statistical and pathway approach to next-generation sequencing analysis: a family-based study of hypertension. In BMC proceedings (Vol. 8, No. Suppl 1, p. S104). BioMed Central Ltd.
Helmboldt, J. F., Ellingson, S. W., Hartman, J. M., Lazio, T. J. W., Taylor, G. B., Wilson, T. L., & Wolfe, C. N. (2014). All‐sky imaging of meteor trails at 55.25 MHz with the first station of the Long Wavelength Array. Radio Science, 49(3), 157-180.
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